2025.07.02 – 07.04
서울 COEX 1,2,3F

해외바이어가 직접 찾는 글로벌 전시회

About InterCHARM Korea

InterCHARM Korea는  글로벌 뷰티∙화장품 전문 전시회로

매해 50여 개국에서 약 3,000명이 넘는 해외바이어가 내방하며, 

구매력을 갖춘 해외바이어 발굴 및 잠재시장 Key Players 초청을 통해

다양한 뷰티∙화장품 분야의 비즈니스 플랫폼으로 자리 잡았습니다.  

•기간   |   2025년 07월 02일(수) – 07월 04일(금)

•장소   |   서울 COEX 1,2,3F

•규모   |   500 exhibitors, 800 stands

•주최   |   ㈜서울메쎄     Reed K. Fairs Ltd.

•후원   |    KOTRA  (사)경상북도화장품협회

                 (재)경북IT융합산업기술원  (재)춘천바이오산업진흥원

                 (사)부산화장품산업협회  제주테크노파크  인천테크노파크


Exhibit Items

K-Beauty is really flourishing: the Korean cosmetic market is now in the world’s TOP 10!

InterCHARM Korea is the largest event of the cosmetics beauty market in Korea that brings together all the beauty industry sections.
Here the trends are born and the main directions of industry development for the coming years are determined. 


∙ Skincare
∙ Makeup
∙ Brushes
∙ Bath & Body Care
∙ Perfumes
∙ Toiletries
∙ Cosmeceuticals


∙ Ingredients
∙ Packaging
∙ Equipment
∙ Home-use Device
∙ Home Products
∙ Feminine Hygiene Products
∙ Dietary Products


∙ Hair Care
∙ Hair Color
∙ Styling Products
∙ Accessories
∙ Nail Art
∙ Eyelashes 


∙ Professional Salon
∙ Clinics
∙ Peeling
∙ Waxing

InterCHARM Korea 특별관

Green Valley: Natural and organic cosmetics

Barber Zone: Barber products

InterCHARM-Visage: Color cosmetics

FormulAction: Raw materials and ingredients

Beauty Device: Home care gadgets

InterCHARMpack: Packaging and labelling

InterCHARMhome: Home care

InterCHARMaroma: Convenience products 


Business Matchmaking

"All About That Beauty" Seminar

I believe it InterCHARM Korea is a great opportunity to meet with new business and to grow a sales despite this very challenging Covid-19 pandemic time.

The Skin Factory ‘Kundal’

Through InterCHARM Korea, it was a good opportunity for us to understand the needs of buyers and consumers and promote the brand ‘Rubato’ to more people.

Special Medical ‘Rubato’

We have visited here for 3 years since 2017. Every time it is pleasure to be a part of it. It’s very well-organized exhibition. And we are very excited to find some new Korean brands and discover the people.

Lucy – Shishi Cherie

This is a good exhibition to introduce a new brand, new market in Korea. We really recommend InterCHARM Korea to other cosmetic brands to join.

Golden Rose